Velhasıl Çok Sertizdir.

20 Mart 2010 Cumartesi

world of opportunities

Have you ever noticed that coke is actually a black drink witha lot of gas and acid in it, and vodka is a colorless,tasteless drink?

Pubs are places where people go to pay more for things they could've got cheaper if they stayed at home, like drinks and music, and friends.

And you buy already-rolled-and-fabrica
ted cigarettes even though you know they've got billions of chemicals in them<>, JUST BECAUSE you are too lazy to roll one yourself.

And have you ever met someone, someone who's sane/or at least with sense of taste, that actually LIKES the taste of wasabi?

Would you like the idea of buying a pet if you knew that the cute little thing you buy actually suffers in a cage before you buy it, and it gets in there because people like for them..?

No need to read between the lines here, right?
Why do you exactly buy this crap, what makes them look so fabulous, howcome can you end up getting to like this stuff, and in fact, getting used to it?

THIS is your great world that is full of opportunities.

You, like any other living organism, can produce shit,
find shitty ideas and sell them,
sell them via making them look like
an incredible product,
make people think that
humankind can not live without them,
via just making them seem
shiny and colorful.

you won the contest of
being a huge dork.


5 yorum:

jeg heter Tuva. dedi ki...

That actually made sense.

nina simone dedi ki...

çarklar küçüldükçe etkileri daha da büyüyor, fırsatlar evlerimize giriyor.
hayvanat bahçeleri>sirkler>evcil hayvanlar

Adsız dedi ki...

Emeğine SağlıkPc Keyfi

Adsız dedi ki...


Recep Altun dedi ki...


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